
Newsletter audience stats

Subscribers: 446

Open rate: 35%

CTR: 2-4%

Top countries: US 49%, UK 12%, India 7%, Canada 4%

Letters for Creatives is read across 44 US states and 44 countries.

Let’s work together!

  1. Sponsor an issue: USD$50

    Sharing your product or service at the top of the issue

  2. Sponsor 3 issues: USD$100

  3. Sponsor 5 issues: USD$200

  4. Included as part of a curated issue: USD$20

  5. Included in curation x 3 issues: USD$50

  6. Featured in the interview series: USD$150
    A full interview that focuses on the creative process and other related topics

Sponsorship spots are limited to 4-6 spots, depending on the number of issues for the month. Interviews would be scheduled according to the content calendar of the newsletter.

If you want to work together, get in touch!